Proverbs 28:26 The one who trusts his own heart is a fool, but the one who walks in wisdom will escape the snare.
Our hearts, essentially our emotions and motivations, are corrupt. Though they may direct us well one moment, they will just as easily (if not more likely) lead us astray. In the smallest matters, our hearts will deceive others and even deceive ourselves. Speak with a person contemplating an extra marital affair and you will see self-deception magnified, yet it is there every day in every heart. It requires commitment, focus, and discipline to choose truth and wisdom over deception.
When Jesus spoke with the woman at the well, she divided worship into two camps based on cultural and historic differences: in Samaria or in Jerusalem. It was her heart’s attempt to distance herself from the insight of a man she already recognized as a prophet … a Jewish prophet! Jesus responded that to worship God we must do so in Spirit and Truth. What liberty! Not only did she need not fear the truth, it was essential to worshipping God.
It seems that a divisive spirit has been unleashed upon the earth. More and more people are being pulled into opposing camps. Traps are being set left and right. Many are trusting in their hearts to guide them through the maze of deception; yet our hearts, filled with corrupt motives, led by emotion and fear, will deceive us. Wisdom knows this weakness and seeks safety in the council of scripture, the Holy Spirit and multiple advisors. Few in the Church have walked the hard path of choosing wisdom. Before a quick, emotional or “partial truth” response, we must learn to step back and seek wisdom. The snares are many, but those who walk in wisdom will escape! The heart cannot be trusted. “Oh, Father, we need Your wisdom!”