Fear God Alone

Luke 12:4-5 “I tell you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who can kill the body, and after that have nothing they can do. But I warn you, whom you should fear: fear the One who after killing you has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him.”

In Matthew 6, dealing with the same theme as Luke 12, Jesus said, “You can’t serve two masters, for either you will hate one and love the other or you will be devoted to one and despise the other.” We can truly love only one master. In Luke 12:4-5 Jesus says that we must only fear one thing, because whatever we fear, that will be our master.

In Kenya people seem friendly and happy on the surface, but just beneath the veneer is a motivator that can turn anyone into your enemy: fear. Some Kenyans fear not having food, others fear the corrupt authority, and still others fear being unable to send their children to school. This fear controls their lives and causes them to behave in unexpected ways. They betray and deceive family. They steal from friends, even as they say they fear God. Yet by their actions, you can see what is truly feared. No one can serve two masters.

When asked, most of us would quickly say that we fear God. But the context of Jesus’ words sets the bar for this challenge quite high. “Don’t fear those who can merely kill you.” That’s serious. Is your fear of God so massive that it outweighs all other considerations? Do you fear those who could falsely accuse you and send you to prison? Do you fear those who could empty your bank account? Do you fear those who could take your life? Do you fear those who might call you nasty names and try to cancel you on social media, in your education environment, or at your workplace? Do not fear them! No, this isn’t easy, but it is what Jesus said. You can only have one master. Fear God alone!