Nehemiah 2:4 The king responded, “What is it you are asking of me?” Then I quickly prayed to the God of heaven.”
Recently during my time in the Czech Republic, God did it again. He allowed me to speak words of life to a person who was hostile to Christianity. Not knowing that I was a Christian, the woman hotly stated, “Everyone knows that Christianity is just a weapon used against people to control them.” At that moment, I quickly said this prayer: “Father you know her heart. If this is an opportunity from You, may I not be confused by her words or emotion, but perceive the core issues. And may I hear Your words in response.” The Spirit of our Lord beautifully opened her heart!
At a critical point in the story of Nehemiah, when he needed assistance from the king to accomplish the restoration of Jerusalem, Nehemiah uttered a quick prayer. He intended to ask this non-Jewish king to completely underwrite a massive rebuilding project. He would not have entered the king’s presence unprepared, but he did not rely upon a pre-planned speech. Rather, he needed God’s wisdom, courage, and favor. The earthly king responded to the Spirit of the Lord.
As we respond to the ever-increasing negative issues of the world, we need God’s divine direction. We need wisdom, compassion, courage, and favor. When people speak against Christianity, we feel attacked. When the world attacks principles we believe in, it feels personal. We need God’s strength to simply overcome our own negative, emotional responses. We are living in a time when quick prayers for help and guidance should become our norm. Ultimately, when people attack the reality and truth of Jesus, they are attacking Him. He is the only One who can respond in a way that may open their hearts. “Oh, Lord, help me to speak Your words of hope, truth, compassion, wisdom … and life!” That’s how a negative becomes a positive!