No Cowards

Revelation 21:8 “But the cowards, unbelievers, murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice sorcery, worshippers of idols, and all who lie will be thrown into the lake that burns with fire and sulfur.”

For one of our family Bible study times In Kenya, Lori read a list of “Christian character traits” to our family. Compassion, patience and long-suffering were among the traits listed. I found it interesting that courage was also there, although I well know that it takes great courage to be a true follower of Jesus. As each member of our family focused on one character trait they felt was lacking in their lives, many of my kids voiced a desire for more courage.

Courage is clearly a desirable trait, yet, it is astonishing to me that its opposite, cowardice, is in the short list of life practices that lead to destruction. Sorcerers, sexually immoral, idol worshippers, murderers, liars and … cowards – will find their place in the lake of fire. John heard these words directly from Jesus. People wrongly imagine Christianity to be the path of weakness. Though the weak are encouraged to come to Jesus, we are also challenged to die to these weaknesses, abandon our broken character traits, and be reborn in Him. To remain a murderer, sexually immoral, an idol worshipper, a liar, or a coward is unthinkable, says Jesus. Jesus hates the things that crush our lives and keep us far from God. He hates cowardice!

A shortened, paraphrased version of Revelation 21:6-8 reads like this: He said, “it is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega. To the one who thirsts I will give the water of life. The one who conquers will inherit the kingdom. I will be their God and they will be My children. But the cowards, along with murderers and other detestable people, will be thrown in the lake of fire.”

We cannot serve two masters. We cannot love light and darkness. In the same way, we cannot follow Christ and be a coward. More and more it is becoming clear that courage is an essential of Christianity. Hatred, arrogance, selfishness, and cowardice should find no room in our lives. Though we may not be naturally brave, we must daily ask God for the virtues we lack. May God give each of us courage to speak the truth in love, ask honest questions, stand for righteousness, and receive the blows to our cheeks – again and again. Yes, Christianity requires courage!