
Proverbs 12:16 A fool’s annoyance is known at once, but a wise person overlooks an insult.

I recently heard a wise man say, “Try not to offend. Try harder not to be offended.” Imagine what the world of social media would be like if everyone considered such rare, golden advice. Instead many people practice the art of offending and search for ways to be offended. It is exhausting.

When a fool is annoyed you know it at once. A wise person, when offended, overlooks the insult. It takes inner strength to allow an offense to just pass without responding. Wisdom gives us inner strength.

As children of God, we are commanded to grow up and act like Jesus. It is sad that many people are easily offended, but it is tragic when those who claim to be God’s children don’t attempt to live by a higher standard than the world. We should be the example to follow: not offending and not easily offended.