Psalms 16:7 “I will bless the LORD who guides me; even at night my heart considers and learns.”
Have you ever had a deeply complex situation, way over your head, unsure what you were going to do, and then someone who was familiar with your situation showed you the way out? What a blessing! There is nothing worse than being in a deep forest and not knowing where you are.
It is that way in life. Every day has new challenges. Just when you feel comfortable with the terrain, you turn a corner and “bam” you don’t know where you are. Panic, frustration, doubt and fear begin to set in.
At those times we must remember – the Lord is my guide! How thankful I am to have a guide who knows every square inch of the deep terrain we are in. David believed this. He knew what it was to depend on God. He knew what it was to be in circumstances where he wasn’t sure which way to turn, so he blessed the Lord who was his guide.
This same God who instructed him during the night can instruct you today. Remember that – especially in these times. Let God guide you today. Call out to Him for wisdom, instruction, help and strength for all you do. He will be your guide.
Today’s cup is brewed by Dan Odera