Don’t Lose it

Luke 14:34-35 “If the salt loses its flavor, how will the flavor be restored?  It is of no value for the soil nor for the manure pile: it is simply thrown out.”

A central mission of any Christian is to BE the salt of the earth. That means we should respond to the cultural issues around us in the power of His nature – His flavor! We are to represent His nature in this world. In the last 2 verses of Luke 14, Jesus warned that when salt loses its flavor it becomes worthless. The flavor of the world cannot properly challenge the problems of the world.

As I consider the current responses from Christian “leaders” to various issues that people are facing, I rarely taste the flavor of Jesus. The question I am asking in this cup of java is:  How are you keeping His flavor alive in your life? Are you asking the Holy Spirit for wisdom and insight? Are you discussing the issues of our times with other mature Christians? Are you studying scripture to glean all of the aspects of His flavor and to prevent the flavor of the world from seeping into your response?

If we are called by His name, then His flavor should be in us and others should taste it. We cannot be satisfied with tasting like the best version of the world.

“Lord, give us Your Spirit! Give us the flavor of Your life. Help us ensure that we do not lose it! May we be strong and courageous as we spread Your salt through our lives and in the world.”