Proverbs 6:16 The Lord hates these six things; actually there are seven things that are like a curse before His eyes.
It is easy to read verses about the ways of evil people and think – that’s not me. So before disregarding these seven things that we are commanded to guard against, let’s first consider them in light of the culture in which we live. That culture, through films, TV, media, social media, etc., is pushing us to conform us to its image. Those seven things (vs 17-19) are:
An arrogant attitude
A lying tongue
Hands that shed innocent blood
A heart that devises wicked plans
Feet that run swiftly to “no good”
A false witness
A person who spreads discord among family
If the culture of our times rewards people who behave in the ways described, then these are troubling times. We should be alert in such a culture. If we respond to it in kind, then we are conforming into its image. As we consider our culture, we should look in the mirror and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any traces of these behaviors that have rubbed off – and repent. God has called us to be the counter-culture to the darkened ways of our generation.
Rather than thinking, ‘those are the things that bad people do,’ think of each item again. Consider how these behaviors impact the people around you? How do they impact those seeking justice? How do they influence the young? Then use those 7 items as a short prayer list. Pray that God protects your family from the influence of these things. Pray for your own community and country, that God might deliver the people from these things He hates. He hates these things because God loves people. So, pray that you are molded into a person of humility and truthfulness, with hands that heal, a heart devising good plans, feet running to accomplish good things, who is a trustworthy witness and a peacemaker – especially among family and friends.